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Photofact Index - "V"

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CB Radio Index - Transistor Radio Index

To order a Photofact you will need the Set and Folder number listed (in dark blue) for your model.
Find your brand and model using the Manufacturer Index. Note the Set & Folder number then ORDER HERE.
Instant downloads are now available for many of the most popular Photofacts. Check the Photofact Instant Downloads section for your set-folder.
NOTE: I stock Photofact service folders for vintage radios and related equipment (record players, tape recorders, etc.) manufactured from 1946 through 1970. Record changers will have their own service folder and must be ordered separately. Sets 1 through 671 (excluding TVs) are available for download. Most original folders are available via U.S. Mail. If you don't see your exact model number listed in the index (1946 - 1963) contact me for availability.
List of Photofact Set Numbers by Year.
Use the "ctrl" and "f" keys to search this list.
Manufacturer Model/ChassisPhotofactSet-Folder Year
VAN-CAMP 57616A Photofact 7 - 29 1946
VICTORIA TR650 Photofact 520 - 16 1961
VIDEO PRODUCTS 630DX24C Photofact 176 - 13 1952
VIDEO PRODUCTS 630DXC Photofact 176 - 13 1952
VIDEO PRODUCTS 630K24C Photofact 176 - 13 1952
VIDEO PRODUCTS 630K3C Photofact 176 - 13 1952
VIDEODYNE 10FM Photofact 69 - 15 1949
VIDEODYNE 10TV Photofact 69 - 15 1949
VIDEODYNE 12FM Photofact 69 - 15 1949
VIDEODYNE 12TV Photofact 69 - 15 1949
Videola VS160 Photofact 92 - 9 1950
Videola VS161 Photofact 92 - 9 1950
Videola VS165 Photofact 92 - 9 1950
Videola VS166 Photofact 92 - 9 1950
Videola VS167 Photofact 92 - 9 1950
Videola VS168 Photofact 92 - 9 1950
VIEWTONE RC201A Photofact 11 - 32 1947
VIEWTONE RRC201 Photofact 11 - 32 1947
Viking, Telex, E.F. Johnson 85ES Photofact 449 - 18 1959
Viking, Telex, E.F. Johnson 85ESQ Photofact 449 - 18 1959
Viking, Telex, E.F. Johnson 85Q Photofact 449 - 18 1959
Viking, Telex, E.F. Johnson 85R Photofact 449 - 18 1959
Viking, Telex, E.F. Johnson 85RQ Photofact 449 - 18 1959
Viking, Telex, E.F. Johnson B21 Photofact 579 - 15 1962
Viking, Telex, E.F. Johnson FF75Series Photofact 344 - 15 1957
Viking, Telex, E.F. Johnson PB60 Photofact 344 - 15 1957
Viking, Telex, E.F. Johnson RP61 Photofact 344 - 15 1957
Viking, Telex, E.F. Johnson RP61B Photofact 449 - 18 1959
Viking, Telex, E.F. Johnson RP61BVU Photofact 594 - 16 1962
Viking, Telex, E.F. Johnson RP61C Photofact 593 - 12 1962
Viking, Telex, E.F. Johnson RP61S Photofact 451 - 18 1959
Viking, Telex, E.F. Johnson RP62 Photofact 449 - 18 1959
Viking, Telex, E.F. Johnson RP62BVU Photofact 594 - 16 1962
Viking, Telex, E.F. Johnson RP62C Photofact 593 - 12 1962
Viking, Telex, E.F. Johnson RP63 Photofact 593 - 12 1962
Viking, Telex, E.F. Johnson SA76 Photofact 579 - 15 1962
VIM TT592 Photofact 492 - 24 1960
VISCOUNT 602 Photofact 567 - 15 1962
VISION MASTER 14MC Photofact 117 - 8 1950
VISION MASTER 14MT Photofact 117 - 8 1950
VISION MASTER 16MC Photofact 117 - 8 1950
VISION MASTER 16MT Photofact 117 - 8 1950
VISION MASTER 16MXC Photofact 117 - 8 1950
VISION MASTER 16MXCS Photofact 117 - 8 1950
VISION MASTER 16MXT Photofact 117 - 8 1950
VISION MASTER 16MXTS Photofact 117 - 8 1950
VISION MASTER 17MC Photofact 117 - 8 1950
VISION MASTER 17MT Photofact 117 - 8 1950
VISION MASTER 17MXC Photofact 117 - 8 1950
VISION MASTER 17MXCS Photofact 117 - 8 1950
VISION MASTER 17MXT Photofact 117 - 8 1950
VISION MASTER 17MXTS Photofact 117 - 8 1950
VIZ (RCA) RS1 Photofact 14 - 31 1947
V-M Voice of Music 101 Photofact 479 - 16 1960
V-M Voice of Music 102 Photofact 479 - 16 1960
V-M Voice of Music 103 Photofact 479 - 16 1960
V-M Voice of Music 104 Photofact 479 - 16 1960
V-M Voice of Music 121 Photofact 242 - 11 1954
V-M Voice of Music 131 Photofact 283 - 14 1955
V-M Voice of Music 150 Photofact 139 - 15 1951
V-M Voice of Music 151 Photofact 231 - 20 1954
V-M Voice of Music 155 Photofact 334 - 11 1956
V-M Voice of Music 156 Photofact 353 - 15 1957
V-M Voice of Music 160 Photofact 187 - 13 1952
V-M Voice of Music 161 Photofact 465 - 16 1959
V-M Voice of Music 162 Photofact 465 - 16 1959
V-M Voice of Music 163 Photofact 465 - 16 1959
V-M Voice of Music 165 Photofact 423 - 23 1958
V-M Voice of Music 166 Photofact 423 - 23 1958
V-M Voice of Music 167 Photofact 457 - 19 1959
V-M Voice of Music 168 Photofact 549 - 16 1961
V-M Voice of Music 201 Photofact 592 - 12 1962
V-M Voice of Music 204 Photofact 536 - 15 1961
V-M Voice of Music 205 Photofact 536 - 15 1961
V-M Voice of Music 206 Photofact 536 - 15 1961
V-M Voice of Music 207 Photofact 526 - 12 1961
V-M Voice of Music 215 Photofact 420 - 12 1958
V-M Voice of Music 301 Photofact 472 - 16 1960
V-M Voice of Music 302 Photofact 536 - 15 1961
V-M Voice of Music 304 Photofact 547 - 16 1961
V-M Voice of Music 306 Photofact 536 - 15 1961
V-M Voice of Music 307 Photofact 526 - 12 1961
V-M Voice of Music 309 Photofact 546 - 18 1961
V-M Voice of Music 311 Photofact 620 - 13 1963
V-M Voice of Music 312 Photofact 472 - 16 1960
V-M Voice of Music 314 Photofact 493 - 17 1960
V-M Voice of Music 334 Photofact 634 - 14 1963
V-M Voice of Music 400 Photofact 26 - 33 1947
V-M Voice of Music 400 Photofact 90 - 13 1950
V-M Voice of Music 402 Photofact 82 - 12 1950
V-M Voice of Music 404 Photofact 73 - 14 1949
V-M Voice of Music 405 Photofact 73 - 14 1949
V-M Voice of Music 406 Photofact 102 - 16 1950
V-M Voice of Music 407 Photofact 102 - 16 1950
V-M Voice of Music 556 Photofact 270 - 17 1955
V-M Voice of Music 557 Photofact 414 - 10 1958
V-M Voice of Music 562 Photofact 414 - 10 1958
V-M Voice of Music 563 Photofact 457 - 19 1959
V-M Voice of Music 564 Photofact 477 - 12 1960
V-M Voice of Music 565 Photofact 306 - 13 1956
V-M Voice of Music 566 Photofact 414 - 10 1958
V-M Voice of Music 568 Photofact 414 - 10 1958
V-M Voice of Music 570 Photofact 442 - 15 1959
V-M Voice of Music 571 Photofact 442 - 15 1959
V-M Voice of Music 580 Photofact 459 - 15 1959
V-M Voice of Music 581 Photofact 498 - 19 1960
V-M Voice of Music 582 Photofact 498 - 19 1960
V-M Voice of Music 625 Photofact 351 - 19 1957
V-M Voice of Music 630 Photofact 455 - 19 1959
V-M Voice of Music 700 Photofact 288 - 10 1955
V-M Voice of Music 710 Photofact 349 - 13 1957
V-M Voice of Music 711 Photofact 349 - 13 1957
V-M Voice of Music 714 Photofact 427 - 15 1959
V-M Voice of Music 720 Photofact 581 - 12 1962
V-M Voice of Music 722 Photofact 538 - 16 1961
V-M Voice of Music 730 Photofact 606 - 12 1962
V-M Voice of Music 750 Photofact 349 - 13 1957
V-M Voice of Music 755 Photofact 581 - 12 1962
V-M Voice of Music 1000 Photofact 439 - SERVICER 1959
V-M Voice of Music 1200 Photofact 290 - 11 1955
V-M Voice of Music 1201 Photofact 436 - 18 1959
V-M Voice of Music 1210 Photofact 436 - 18 1959
V-M Voice of Music 1223 Photofact 557 - 14 1961
V-M Voice of Music 1225 Photofact 290 - 11 1955
V-M Voice of Music 1226 Photofact 436 - 18 1959
V-M Voice of Music 1227 Photofact 436 - 18 1959
V-M Voice of Music 1228 Photofact 436 - 18 1959
V-M Voice of Music 1229 Photofact 436 - 18 1959
V-M Voice of Music 1234 Photofact 646 - 10 1963
V-M Voice of Music 1235 Photofact 646 - 10 1963
V-M Voice of Music 1244 Photofact 646 - 10 1963
V-M Voice of Music 1245 Photofact 646 - 10 1963
V-M Voice of Music 1250 Photofact 374 - 15 1957
V-M Voice of Music 1254 Photofact 646 - 10 1963
V-M Voice of Music 1255 Photofact 646 - 10 1963
V-M Voice of Music 1256 Photofact 646 - 10 1963
V-M Voice of Music 1257 Photofact 646 - 10 1963
V-M Voice of Music 1260 Photofact 378 - 13 1957
V-M Voice of Music 1264 Photofact 646 - 10 1963
V-M Voice of Music 1265 Photofact 646 - 10 1963
V-M Voice of Music 1266 Photofact 646 - 10 1963
V-M Voice of Music 1267 Photofact 646 - 10 1963
V-M Voice of Music 1275 Photofact 347 - 17 1957
V-M Voice of Music 1276 Photofact 391 - 15 1958
V-M Voice of Music 1280 Photofact 364 - 17 1957
V-M Voice of Music 1281 Photofact 439 - 17 1959
V-M Voice of Music 1282 Photofact 439 - 17 1959
V-M Voice of Music 1290 Photofact 392 - 12 1958
V-M Voice of Music 1296 Photofact 447 - 12 1959
V-M Voice of Music 1404 Photofact 498 - 19 1960
V-M Voice of Music 1405 Photofact 475 - 16 1960
V-M Voice of Music 1416 Photofact 604 - 13 1962
V-M Voice of Music 1428 Photofact 600 - 15 1962
V-M Voice of Music 1435 Photofact 629 - 14 1963
V-M Voice of Music 1441 Photofact 615 - 14 1963
V-M Voice of Music 1451 Photofact 671 - 17 1963
V-M Voice of Music 1465 Photofact 671 - 17 1963
V-M Voice of Music 1500 Photofact 426 - 15 1959
V-M Voice of Music 1551 Photofact 436 - 18 1959
V-M Voice of Music 1571 Photofact 527 - 14 1961
V-M Voice of Music 1572 Photofact 527 - 14 1961
V-M Voice of Music 1586 Photofact 527 - 14 1961
V-M Voice of Music 1587 Photofact 527 - 14 1961
V-M Voice of Music 2021 Photofact 536 - 15 1961
V-M Voice of Music 2082 Photofact 641 - 13 1963
V-M Voice of Music 2083 Photofact 641 - 13 1963
V-M Voice of Music 2141 Photofact 658 - 11 1963
V-M Voice of Music 3051 Photofact 637 - 16 1963
V-M Voice of Music 5802 Photofact 498 - 19 1960
V-M Voice of Music 15512 Photofact 436 - 18 1959
V-M Voice of Music 20014 Photofact 615 - 13 1963
V-M Voice of Music 20016 Photofact 615 - 13 1963
V-M Voice of Music 20016 Photofact 649 - 9 1963
V-M Voice of Music 20022 Photofact 623 - 17 1963
V-M Voice of Music 20023 Photofact 542 - 17 1961
V-M Voice of Music 20026 Photofact 654 - 12 1963
V-M Voice of Music 20031 Photofact 596 - 11 1962
V-M Voice of Music 20037 Photofact 612 - 12 1963
V-M Voice of Music 20039 Photofact 620 - 13 1963
V-M Voice of Music 20040 Photofact 623 - 17 1963
V-M Voice of Music 20041 Photofact 637 - 16 1963
V-M Voice of Music 20046 Photofact 634 - 14 1963
V-M Voice of Music 20049 Photofact 660 - 12 1963
V-M Voice of Music 20050 Photofact 649 - 9 1963
V-M Voice of Music 20051 Photofact 667 - 11 1963
V-M Voice of Music 20053 Photofact 654 - 12 1963
V-M Voice of Music 20055 Photofact 641 - 13 1963
V-M Voice of Music 20059 Photofact 658 - 11 1963
V-M Voice of Music 20070 Photofact 658 - 11 1963
V-M Voice of Music 20073 Photofact 660 - 12 1963
V-M Voice of Music 20088 Photofact 658 - 11 1963
V-M Voice of Music 31402 Photofact 493 - 17 1960
V-M Voice of Music 31601 Photofact 615 - 13 1963
V-M Voice of Music 31602 Photofact 615 - 13 1963
V-M Voice of Music 31901 Photofact 658 - 11 1963
V-M Voice of Music 32101 Photofact 658 - 11 1963
V-M Voice of Music 1001A Photofact 10 - 34 1946
V-M Voice of Music 1200A Photofact 353 - 16 1957
V-M Voice of Music 1225A Photofact 353 - 16 1957
V-M Voice of Music 1250B Photofact 374 - 15 1957
V-M Voice of Music 1285B Photofact 335 - 17 1956
V-M Voice of Music 1285M Photofact 335 - 17 1956
V-M Voice of Music 1290A Photofact 392 - 12 1958
V-M Voice of Music 150A Photofact 213 - 9 1953
V-M Voice of Music 155A Photofact 393 - 11 1958
V-M Voice of Music 166A Photofact 423 - 23 1958
V-M Voice of Music 200B Photofact 15 - 36 1947
V-M Voice of Music 208A Photofact 596 - 11 1962
V-M Voice of Music 317F01 Photofact 658 - 11 1963
V-M Voice of Music 317L02 Photofact 658 - 11 1963
V-M Voice of Music 318BL1 Photofact 658 - 11 1963
V-M Voice of Music 318YE1 Photofact 658 - 11 1963
V-M Voice of Music 349N1 Photofact 660 - 12 1963
V-M Voice of Music 349N2 Photofact 660 - 12 1963
V-M Voice of Music 357F1 Photofact 649 - 9 1963
V-M Voice of Music 357L1 Photofact 649 - 9 1963
V-M Voice of Music 400C Photofact 82 - 12 1950
V-M Voice of Music 400D Photofact 87 - 14 1950
V-M Voice of Music 555M Photofact 235 - 13 1954
V-M Voice of Music 555O Photofact 235 - 13 1954
V-M Voice of Music 556A Photofact 354 - 19 1957
V-M Voice of Music 557A Photofact 452 - 16 1959
V-M Voice of Music 560A1 Photofact 372 - 16 1957
V-M Voice of Music 560A2 Photofact 372 - 16 1957
V-M Voice of Music 560A3 Photofact 372 - 16 1957
V-M Voice of Music 560A4 Photofact 372 - 16 1957
V-M Voice of Music 560B Photofact 269 - 15 1955
V-M Voice of Music 560M Photofact 269 - 15 1955
V-M Voice of Music 562B Photofact 452 - 16 1959
V-M Voice of Music 565A1 Photofact 373 - 15 1957
V-M Voice of Music 565A2 Photofact 373 - 15 1957
V-M Voice of Music 565A3 Photofact 373 - 15 1957
V-M Voice of Music 565A4 Photofact 373 - 15 1957
V-M Voice of Music 566A Photofact 452 - 16 1959
V-M Voice of Music 566B Photofact 452 - 16 1959
V-M Voice of Music 566C Photofact 452 - 16 1959
V-M Voice of Music 568A Photofact 457 - 19 1959
V-M Voice of Music 568B Photofact 457 - 19 1959
V-M Voice of Music 570A Photofact 442 - 15 1959
V-M Voice of Music 571A Photofact 442 - 15 1959
V-M Voice of Music 710A Photofact 427 - 15 1959
V-M Voice of Music 711A Photofact 427 - 15 1959
V-M Voice of Music 750A Photofact 427 - 15 1959
V-M Voice of Music 800 Photofact 21 - 38 1947
V-M Voice of Music 801 Photofact 475 - 16 1960
V-M Voice of Music 802 Photofact 77 - 12 1949
V-M Voice of Music 802 Photofact 475 - 16 1960
V-M Voice of Music 803 Photofact 553 - 15 1961
V-M Voice of Music 804 Photofact 612 - 12 1963
V-M Voice of Music 805 Photofact 553 - 15 1961
V-M Voice of Music 806 Photofact 526 - 12 1961
V-M Voice of Music 811 Photofact 477 - 12 1960
V-M Voice of Music 812 Photofact 499 - 17 1960
V-M Voice of Music 815 Photofact 503 - 17 1960
V-M Voice of Music 816 Photofact 542 - 17 1961
V-M Voice of Music 817 Photofact 542 - 17 1961
V-M Voice of Music 901 Photofact 475 - 16 1960
V-M Voice of Music 902 Photofact 475 - 16 1960
V-M Voice of Music 910 Photofact 115 - 14 1950
V-M Voice of Music 912 Photofact 499 - 17 1960
V-M Voice of Music 915 Photofact 499 - 17 1960
V-M Voice of Music 920 Photofact 216 - 11 1953
V-M Voice of Music 935 Photofact 252 - 13 1954
V-M Voice of Music 936 Photofact 252 - 13 1954
V-M Voice of Music 950 Photofact 107 - 13 1950
V-M Voice of Music 950 Photofact 216 - 11 1953
V-M Voice of Music 951 Photofact 216 - 11 1953
V-M Voice of Music 952 Photofact 216 - 11 1953
V-M Voice of Music 959 Photofact 396 - 13 1958
V-M Voice of Music 970 Photofact 159 - 15 1952
V-M Voice of Music 972 Photofact 203 - 15 1953
V-M Voice of Music 975 Photofact 165 - 16 1952
V-M Voice of Music 980 Photofact 138 - 12 1951
V-M Voice of Music 985 Photofact 166 - 16 1952
V-M Voice of Music 986 Photofact 247 - 14 1954
V-M Voice of Music 990 Photofact 248 - 11 1954
V-M Voice of Music 991 Photofact 398 - 15 1958
V-M Voice of Music 8062 Photofact 615 - 13 1963
V-M Voice of Music 8181 Photofact 623 - 17 1963
V-M Voice of Music 8381 Photofact 660 - 12 1963
V-M Voice of Music 8391 Photofact 660 - 12 1963
V-M Voice of Music 8441 Photofact 660 - 12 1963
V-M Voice of Music 8671 Photofact 654 - 12 1963
V-M Voice of Music 8681 Photofact 654 - 12 1963
V-M Voice of Music 8691 Photofact 654 - 12 1963
V-M Voice of Music 8701 Photofact 654 - 12 1963
V-M Voice of Music 8809 Photofact 423 - 23 1958
V-M Voice of Music 8810 Photofact 423 - 23 1958
V-M Voice of Music 80801 Photofact 623 - 17 1963
V-M Voice of Music 80901 Photofact 623 - 17 1963
V-M Voice of Music 80902 Photofact 623 - 17 1963
V-M Voice of Music 80903 Photofact 623 - 17 1963
V-M Voice of Music 81202 Photofact 542 - 17 1961
V-M Voice of Music 81502 Photofact 542 - 17 1961
V-M Voice of Music 81602 Photofact 542 - 17 1961
V-M Voice of Music 81603 Photofact 542 - 17 1961
V-M Voice of Music 81702 Photofact 542 - 17 1961
V-M Voice of Music 81703 Photofact 542 - 17 1961
V-M Voice of Music 81802 Photofact 623 - 17 1963
V-M Voice of Music 81803 Photofact 623 - 17 1963
V-M Voice of Music 82501 Photofact 612 - 12 1963
V-M Voice of Music 86601 Photofact 654 - 12 1963
V-M Voice of Music 800D Photofact 84 - 12 1950
V-M Voice of Music 852M1 Photofact 667 - 11 1963
V-M Voice of Music 852W1 Photofact 667 - 11 1963
V-M Voice of Music 954B Photofact 302 - 12 1956
VOCALINE CC60 Photofact 481 - SERVICER 1960
VOCALINE Commaire Pt27 Photofact 605 - 11 1962
VOCALINE ED2712 Photofact 531 - 15 1961
VOCALINE ED276 Photofact 531 - 15 1961
VOCALINE ED27M12 Photofact 531 - 15 1961
VOCALINE ED27M6 Photofact 531 - 15 1961
VOCALINE JRC400 Photofact 533 - 15 1961
VOCALINE JRC425 Photofact 533 - 15 1961
VOCALINE PT27 Photofact 605 - 11 1962
VOCALION VP30 Photofact 595 - 12 1962
VOCATRON CC20 Photofact 246 - 11 1954
VOCATRON CC45 Photofact 247 - 15 1954
VOGUE (SHERIDAN ELECTRONICS) 532AP Photofact 11 - 33 1947
VOGUE (SHERIDAN ELECTRONICS) 533R Photofact 8 - 32 1946
VOGUE (SHERIDAN ELECTRONICS) 554R Photofact 8 - 32 1946
VOLKSWAGEN (AUDI)(KARMANN GHIA) 1BG Photofact 578 - 7 1962
VOLKSWAGEN (AUDI)(KARMANN GHIA) 1BT Photofact 578 - 7 1962
VOLKSWAGEN (AUDI)(KARMANN GHIA) 1BV Photofact 578 - 7 1962
VOLKSWAGEN (AUDI)(KARMANN GHIA) OBG Photofact 508 - 12 1960
VOLKSWAGEN (AUDI)(KARMANN GHIA) OBT Photofact 508 - 12 1960
VOLKSWAGEN (AUDI)(KARMANN GHIA) OBV Photofact 508 - 12 1960
VOLKSWAGEN (AUDI)(KARMANN GHIA) Sapphire I Photofact 508 - 12 1960
VOLKSWAGEN (AUDI)(KARMANN GHIA) Sapphire I Photofact 578 - 7 1962
VORNADO TV29644B Photofact 662 - 1 1963
VORNADO TV29648B Photofact 662 - 1 1963
VORNADO TV29648B Photofact 662 - 1 1963
VOXSON Vanguard736 Photofact 565 - 14 1962


Original Hard Copies and PDF Downloads
Photofact Schematics, Diagrams, and Service Manuals
Manufacturer Index:    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z   ORDER
CB Radio Index - Transistor Radio Index
Disclaimer - We make no warranty of any kind with regard to the content of these manuals, publications or files. The content is subject to change without notice and we will not be responsible for any mistakes found in the manuals, publications, index, or files offered here. All the trademarks in this document and web site are registered by their respective owners. All the brand and product names are trademarks of their respective companies.
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